Sunday, November 23, 2008

It Will Be A Great Thanksgiving if...

It will be a great Thanksgiving if...

* The Lions win and nobody shows up. Really, why do I care if this inept team does not sell enough tickets to lift the blackout? Why would companies want to pick up the tab to ensure this debacle of a football team is seen by anyone outside the Detroit Metropolitan area?

* The Turkey Trot is chilly but not arctic. The new course prevents me from staying inside the comfy corridor of Cobo. The start and finish are at different places. As I amble from the start to the finish, my heart rate will increase to dangerously high numbers, like all the rest of the runners...only I won't be running.

* I grade every last paper that has been haunting me lately.

* I make a good showing in the annual "Up & Down the River" card game at my inlaws.

* We remember all gifts given to us pale in comparison to the gift of redemption attained and given to us through Christ's death on the cross.


Anonymous said...

Point #3 is very similar to my Thanksgiving goal. Instead of grading papers, I will be writing one. Yay for Shakespeare.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I hear you Josh. Yay for trying to finish a 10 page paper on evolution before Thanksgiving.

JBrandt said...

Man, I'm glad I'm not in college any longer.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do hope to get a little pleasure reading done over break. Gabriel García Márquez' "Love in the Time of Cholera" is on my list right now. I'm not sure if I want to read the original Spanish or translation in English though. It all depends on what Borders has I suppose.

Anonymous said...

The paper WILL get done before Thanksgiving, I've decided. I do not want it hanging over my head while watching The Holiday with family. Rediscovering the joy of reading a good book will be nice too.

RobinK said...

SO how did the paper thing work out for you? Not so much for me...

Anonymous said...

From the writing perspective, not so much either. Of course, misjudging the time I had left to finish it didn't help much either - December 2nd instead of the 4th is a big difference...