Monday, January 20, 2014

Common Core Concerns

I've bookmarked, favorite, liked, shared, tweeted and retweeted many articles about the dangers of Common Core. Parents, teachers and administrators need to be informed.  Here are some links that reveal Common Core concerns and why it should not be used. 
Many of these links reflect my vocation as a Lutheran high school English teacher and dept. chair:

What the Common Core Will Do To Colleges by Peter Wood.  (Added 4/11/2014)
    • Dumbed-Down Core: Available evidence indicates Common Core adherents may be disappointed in all of these expectations. (Added 3/12/2014)
    • Full facts needed on the Common Core. "The (Washington) Post certainly makes clear how some states are trying to cover the Core’s stench with perfume rather than attack its rot." (Added 2/1/2014)
    • Here is a presentation by Neal McCluskey, the associate director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom, explaining that Common Core is neither "voluntary" or "state led." (Added 2/1/2014)
    • Obamacore: The Nationalization of K-12 Education: In 2005, Massachusetts students became the first to score best in the nation in all grades and categories on the NAEP assessments. Since then, they have repeated the feat each time the tests have been administered....Yet strategies embraced by Common Core’s proponents are the opposite of those that worked in Massachusetts. The Bay State’s success was based on a golden triangle of rigorous academic standards, the high quality tests students must pass to graduate from high school, and teacher testing all aligned to the same liberal arts-rich content. (Added 1/28/2014)
    • “We are a very naive people. Everyone was willing to believe that the Common Core standards are ‘rigorous,’ ‘competitive,’ ‘internationally benchmarked,’ and ‘research-based.’ They are not.”  Dr. Stotsky reveals more Common Core dangers.

    More links are on their way.  Check back soon