Sunday, October 25, 2009

A-Flu Called Out!

So someone else is calling out A-Flu. Perhaps he's writing under another blogger alias. Perhaps he can't show his face after a miserable loss to MSU and a worse showing against Penn State. Perhaps he really has forgotten his password. Perhaps he's intimidated by the journalistic excellence of The North Star blog.

Perhaps he'll respond...


Andrew Fluegge said...

Fair enough. U of M needs some serious help. I love reading the North Star blog- and that slick camera man. I'm waiting for my guest spot on "Pass the Carrots" Flag football season starts this week- which will surely provide enough blog fodder, along with the rest of my crazy life!

The call has been made to the bullpen, and now, they're bringing in the closer.

JBrandt said...

Fernando Rodney never earned my allegiance.