Monday, November 5, 2007

Due to all the conspiracy theories that surround the event, it looks like The Commish's painting the bell blue is the winner of the most athletic event. It might not have taken great athleticism but the accomplishment was so great that everyone wants to take credit for it. Congrats Commish!

Look for a future issue of The North Star that will rank the top ten or fifteen greatest sports moments in Lutheran North history. Word on the street is that the article is in development. My "inside source" says it will be a good one.


Immanuel Mel Ott Coordinator said...

I accept this award on behalf of the ‘survivors’ of the ’86 team, who were devastated by this hideous act of unsportmanship. Although I may never really know for sure ‘who done it’…posting a W on this blog will hopefully prove therapeutic and I can finally close this dark chapter in my life. Blah, blah, blah.

If you have an extra copy of the North Star, please set one aside for me.

Timothy Finkelstein said...

Congrats bro! Man if only you had a time'd take state!

JBrandt said...

Sarcasm DOES make the world go round!

Dave Klonke said...

Can a former North Star reporter subscribe to the publication?

Immanuel Mel Ott Coordinator said...

I was a North Star reporter back when we used a typewriter, scissors and tape to layout the paper, then ran it off on a mimeograph machine. That was also back when everyone used to sniff the wet, fresh copies for a contact buzz!

JBrandt said...

Commish. Allow me to reiterate your brother's sentiments. You've got to let the past go, brother. The days of old are gone. Time has not been kind to your memory. I think nostalgia dust has clouded your memory or perhaps that duplicating fluid did more than just smell funny. Perhaps the contact buzz went deeper than you think. Soon you will be waxing nostalgic about how when you were young, you didn't use oxygen because it made you weak and how today's kids are sissified because they breathe oxygen whenever they want :)

Immanuel Mel Ott Coordinator said...

I guess I have been a little nostalgic recently, eh? Did I forget to mention that I walked 12 miles school...through the rain and snow…uphill...both ways...and fended off a grizzly bear with my trapper keeper notebook…and still made it by 8:10? Sorry, I digress. Where is Uncle Rico's time machine when you need it?

Yes, I must confess...your blog has captured my attention recently and I've become just slightly obsessed with reading and posting on it! What can I say? Things have been a little slow at work lately!

On a positive note...I did formally introduce myself to Mo this morning at preschool. Yes, it was him...and yes, he was able to pass the ball back to me, contrary to your litmus test hypothesis! He actually informed me around 8:30am that I had won, before I had a chance to check for myself.

BTW...You're just slightly older than I am and you profess to have never sniffed duplicating fluid? Seriously? I know you can’t answer…but everyone did it!!!