Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Keeping an eye on Common Core

If you are keeping a close eye on the progress of Common Core State Standards, you have probably heard of Dr. Sandra Stotsky who served on Common Core's Validation Committee from 2009 - 2010.

If you are keeping a close eye on the progress of Common Core State Standards, you have probably read Dr. Stotsky's testimony before the Colorado State Board of Education in December of 2012.

If you are keeping a close eye on the progress of Common Core State Standards, you probably understand that Dr. Stotsky's educated testimony centers are these four points:
  1. The low quality of Common Core's English language arts standards, especially in grades 6-12.
  2. The Non-transparent process that was used to develop Common Core's standards.
  3. How Common Core's ELA standards are already damaging the K-12 curriculum.
  4. The superior quality of Colorado's own English language arts standards.
If you are keeping a close eye on the progress of Common Core State Standards, and haven't read Dr. Stotsky's testimony, at least read this excerpt:
As empty skill sets, Common Core's ELA standards do not strengthen the high school curriculum. Nor can they reduce post-secondary remedial coursework in a legitimate way. As empty skill sets, Common Core's ELA "college readiness" standards weaken the base of literary and cultural knowledge needed for authentic college coursework, decrease the capacity for analytical thinking (as I will explain below), and completely muddle the development of writing skills.

If you are still not convinced that Dr. Stotsky's testimony is worth reading, you are not keeping a close eye on the progress of Common Core State Standards.



Anonymous said...

Common Core looks a lot like what happened in German schools in the 30's

Anonymous said...

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions. 2 Timothy 4:3