Tuesday, July 23, 2013

His Word is Never Broken

Here's just one reason why you should read Rev. Fisk's book, Broken: 7 "Christian" Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible:

In the continued warfare of start-over churchology, the American churches press on and on until faith becomes the casualty. Bouncing from congregation to congregation, seeking whichever community's most recent visible fad tickles, most people eventually grow weary of club hopping...We show a flabbergasting lack of faith in Jesus' ability to be our Savior when we laud visionary leaders who proclaim that without our adoption of this or that new technology, this or that strategy, this or that plan or opinion, then the Church shall surely perish...
"Change or die!" they cry. But the Word has never been concerned with human impediments, not even the impediment of language itself (Acts 2:11)!... The Church exists today the same way she existed before us and the same way she will exist tomorrow. By His Grace. Through faith. Faith in the preached Word.

Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People: LSB 347 verse 4

Make ye straight what long was crooked,
Make the rougher places plain;
Let your hearts be true and humble,
As befits His holy reign.
For the glory of the Lord
Now o'er earth is shed abroad,
And all flesh shall see the token
That His Word is never broken

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