Rev. Vogts' presentation is worth reading and my favorite part was a suggestion he made for institutions of higher learning:
• Be unabashedly, aggressively, confessionally Lutheran! Perhaps in reaction to the secularization of most older Church-related schools, as documented by Burtchaell, there is a trend of new schools being established with a strong emphasis on their Christian and denominational character. The idea that bold faith will turn away students is disproved by such very successful new institutions as Liberty University (Jerry Falwell), Regent University (Pat Robertson), and Ave Maria University (Roman Catholic). If they can do it, we can too! Nonsectarian examples of noted institutions with clearly delineated principles are Hillsdale College, Grove City College, and the new Patrick Henry College, where my old CUW colleague, Dr. Gene Edward Veith, is now provost. Like these schools, our institutions must zealously live up to and advance our core principles. The Lutheran Church has a unique and significant perspective that is lost if we relinquish our heritage and let ourselves founder in the mishmash of generic Protestantism.
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