Wow, it was fifteen years ago that the basketball team I was coaching won the district championship in an unforgettable manner. If I do the math that would make those youngsters about 33 years old. If I continue to do the math that would make me 46. Yipes, that is old.
As an excuse to see these young faces that are now a bit older, we are planning a fifteen-year reunion on Friday, February 12. They boys' team plays Harper Woods and we will recognize the team at halftime. Information on the players and where they are today will be in the game's program.
If you played on that team contact me and let me know if you can make it. It will be great to see those once high school athletes, now young men.
as long as someone recognizes that I stole the inbound pass and had the winning assist, falling out of bounds, I'm good... the Macomb Daily forgot to mention that part, as I recall... they did not, however, forget that I air-balled my second free throw with 7 seconds left!
PS- I'm 31 now
That's not all you did. In fact, if you miss that freethrow by hitting the rim or backboard our job is even harder. What you did THRICE helped seal that win: the miss, the steal, the pass. Where are you now and will you be there in February?
31? Man I'm old.
I should be able to make it back in town. Looking foward to it!
I won't be able to make it back, I moved to South Carolina 3 years ago for work... Area Manager for Chrysler, I cover Columbia-Greenville-Myrtle Beach... got married to Emily Thompson a year and half ago and just had my first kid, my daughter Riley, November 17th last year... It's crazy to think you were my age when you coached that team, you seemed a lot older to me back then! Ha ha!
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