Here are some of the in-depth sectionals the students and counselors will experience and here are some of some of the breakaway sessions they will hear throughout the week.
Follow the live Twitter feeds from the conference.
What a rich opportunity these young men and women have to increase their knowledge of God’s Word. Too often, unfortunately, people think young men and women can’t handle much beyond Veggie Tales or poorly crafted fiction loosely based on somebody's emotional reaction to life. Some believe students are not interested in a sound study of God’s Word. Fearing a dearth of excitement, application or relevancy we let false prophets like Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, William Young, Rob Bell and whatever or whoever the instructional fad of the month happens to be, teach our children. Funny, we don’t give students a steady diet of Dr. Seuss, and nursery rhymes in high school and call it an AP literature class. We don’t stop math instruction after they’ve mastered addition. We don't teach students 2+2=5. We don’t let an apple fall from a tree, tell students it’s gravity and walk away.
These young men and women take AP Physics, AP Calculus, AP/Honors/Advanced Thermonuclear Plasticity Conduction Analysis; they can handle a sound, challenging study of God’s Word. Higher Things proves that and these young men and women reap the benefits about understanding what Christ crucified means to them and the world they live in. If only more youth groups, chapels and Bible studies were as diligent and as theologically sound as the speakers and sectionals found at Higher Things.
1 comment:
Wow. The Higher Things conference sounds amazing!
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