I recently read David Cloud's review of The Shack. (Click the link. Cloud's review is interesting.) David Cloud writes articles for Fundamental Baptist Information Service located in Port Huron, Michigan. Christian News, an excellent source of insightful truth, recently published Cloud's review.
If find it interesting that Cloud, a Baptist, speaks out against The Shack but many LCMS churches embrace the book and favorably recommend it to their parishioners.
The other day in my English class we were viewing student PowerPoint presentations. The students e-mailed me their files so I was using my school computer to display the presentations. After closing one file the title page of this blog was on the screen. Several students quickly recognized The Shack illustration.
One commented, "The Shack. Can we read that for our AP summer read?"
Another said, "The Shack. Oh, I love that book."
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
Young minds who lack discernment, because they lack instruction, because they have been fed heapings of false prophets like Rick Warren
and ___________________ (insert cool preacher du-jour here), who also believe that denominational differences involving baptism, the Lord's Supper and God's inerrant Word should be ignored, read this tripe without discernment. That's dangerous.
Hey, here's an idea. Instead of embracing all the false prophets and their false teachings, use the books to speak out against the dangers of these ideas and how they clash with God's Word. “Go and make disciples of all people: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have commanded you.” (emphasis mine).
Common sense would seem to dictate that all people should know about the dangers of these books instead of embracing and promotingusing them.
An interesting and oftentimes effective tactic to discredit misguided beliefs is to cite their own text to support your argument. Of course, I cannot take credit for this, but Sam Shamoun, one of the speakers at a recent conference I attended, is a Muslim-turned-Christian who does just that. He uses the Koran, a text Muslims accept as truth anyway, to discredit Islamic theology. Essentially, he points to two contradicting verses, and the Muslim's argument collapses.
I have not read The Shack since I'm not usually one to read "fad" books. I hope you're sitting down for this, but I never read Rick Warren's book, despite my mom's urging. (Gasp!) The fact remains, however, that it is disheartening to see Lutheran congregations embracing such theology without a second thought because "it makes me feel good." For them, I point to the Bereans' example in Acts 17:11.
Well crafted!
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