Students were responsible for creating the program the artwork, the flyers and reading two pages of the epic poem.

The excitement was feverish early in the day as students flocked to the media center to see what all the hubub was about.
At chapel an invitation was given that promised there would be snacks. That was a marketing mistruth designed to entice students. It worked but there was an outcry from the people.
Free stuff also entices young ones. We gave away programs, bookmarks and a limited supply of Beowulf pencils. Oh, I kept one for my memorabilia display.

Fabulous. It looks like Wulf-a-Thon: 2009 was a sweet success despite the missing snacks!
I see AP Lit has come a long way from the days when a certain teacher only had us read the first page... but really, it looks like it was good pedagogy at work.
For clarification, that was the first page of Beowulf I was referring to.
Your memory is failing you. We ran out of time and had to give you a Cliffs Notes version of the ending. We read more than one page, didn't we?
I'm pretty sure my class deciphered quite a few chapters of Beowulf.
haha. This is amazing.
All I seem to remember is reading the first few pages in class, running out of time to finish, and reading the last few pages. But now I just might get my grips on a copy and read it in its entirety now that I actually have time this summer.
Any particular translation I should get? Because as fun as it would be to read Old English, I have a feeling I would never finish.
Read Seamus Heaney's translation. It's a poetic translation that is reader and poetic friendly
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