Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Caption Contest Winner: with Apologies to Seabiscuit

Coming out of the gates, "Football for Dummies" took a commanding lead. In fact, in War Admiral fashion, FfD was the odds on favorite. The intellectual pedigree was obvious but just after the fourth turn, the judges detected a hint of mockery. Could it be that the FfD caption was vitriol in the guise of flattery? To put that in laymen and college football coaches' vernacular...I mean...language, a wolf in sheep's clothing? Once again, the judges sense something was rotten in the state of FfD.The conundrum was what to do about it. At the wire, in a photo-finish conclusion, Andrew Fluegge penned the caption that vaulted him to the winner's circle: Spandex, cycling: Mr. Rohde before he discovered the weight room.

There was initial skepticism because of the indirect criticism of cycling. The spandex clad cyclists don't appreciate jabs from non-cyclists. However, as soon as Mr. Rohde's name was included in the caption, all was well with the judges. Congrats, Andrew.

If you would like more of Andrew's literary stylings check out his blog. http://apf4.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

I demand a recount!!!

aarongoe said...

Beginner's luck...psh!